The Green Party offers a wide variety of good quality items from stationery to household items and kids items, mainly focussing on trendy goods that pursue a green & nature lifestyle. They have 14 outlets across Singapore, all located in shopping malls.
The Green Party offers a tiered membership program based on the customer spent. It’s free to become a member. The membership gets automatically upgraded to Premium or Gold depending on the amount the customer spends with The Green Party. All members are offered cashback depending on their membership tier. In addition, all members also get Birthday Vouchers.
To motivate new customers to enrol in the membership program, The Green Party offers welcome vouchers to all new members. Besides, the best part is that all members can also use these rewards to purchase from their sister brand Gadget Mix. Gadget Mix and The Green Party share their loyalty program, and the parent company has more than 50 outlets in Singapore. The ease of earning and redeeming rewards, and the easy availability of their outlets in all parts of Singapore make them the most loved rewards program.