When the pandemic hit, many businesses had to adapt their marketing strategies in the face of uncertainty. This changed the way small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) market themselves. There are enormous shifts in consumer behaviour: no dining-in, self-collection only, and an increase in online spending habits. Businesses and marketers must constantly innovate and think outside the box in order to stay relevant during this critical time. The importance of free and affordable tools, along with digital platforms to do more effective marketing is recognisable now more than ever.
This post seeks to address how SMEs can scale their marketing strategies in the new normal with the help of Advocado’s 3 key strategies. We’ll also share how your business can do more than just survive but thrive. By conducting an internal business brainstorm and gathering merchant feedback: we have formulated 4 key strategies before the Phase 2 Heightened Alert took place.
Let’s first discuss your current customer satisfaction levels, your business’s image to the public, and current marketing strategies. This knowledge is important in order to have a full understanding of what worked and consumer behavior. Understanding your customer profile will provide you with reasons on what keeps them coming back and to tailor your offers to what they love. Taking a quick glance at your previous email campaigns offers important information: which campaigns were successful and which failed, as well as what were the differences between them?